are u my anon admirer
What do you mean?
I bet a beautiful woman like you get tons and tons of messages so i was hoping you would really read this one. thank you for your time. would it amuse you to talk to a submissive guy like me willing to learn to be a sub to a woman like you?
I actually don't get that many messages.
But thanks.
I'm actually not very dominating. If I were… I would be all over that..
;)Oh, is that for me? :D

Oh, is that for me? :D
What lull wit supposed to mean?
Basically meaning, Laugh out loud, What?
Which means, I don't get what you're trying to say.


Or this, I can't decide...
Or this, please? :D
Will someone buy me this for my birthday ;D
1: When did you lose your virginity?2: Rough sex or soft sex?
3: Do you have any unusual kinks/fetishes?
4: Weirdest place you've had sex?
5: Favourite sex position?
6: Do you like to be dominant or submissive?
7: Have you ever had any one night stands?
8: Sex on the bed, couch or the floor?
9: Have you ever had sex in a public place?
10: Have you ever been caught masturbating?
11: What does your favourite sexy underwear look like?
12: How often do you have sex?
13: Is there anybody right now you'd like to have sex with?
14: Do you prefer giving or receiving oral sex?
15: Most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you during sex?
16: A song you'd listen to during hard/rough/kinky sex?
17: A song you'd listen to during soft/slow/passionate sex?
18: Are you into dressing up for sex?
19: Would you prefer sex in the bath or sex in the shower?
20: If you could have sex with anyone right now, who would it be?
21: Have you ever had a threesome? If not, would you?
22: Do you/would you use sex toys?
23: Have you ever sent someone a dirty text/picture?
24: Would you have sex with your best friend?
25: Is there anything you do after sex? (for example, smoke, eat, drink)
26: Something that will never fail to get you horny?
27: Early morning sex or late night sex?
28: Favourite body part on the opposite sex?
29: Favourite body part on the same sex?
30: Do you watch porn?
Go ahead and ask us stuff! Don't be scared. We'll answer truthfully, of course.
Just a question based on my curiosity. I think you stated that you're in an open relationship (correct me if I'm wrong). How does that work? Are you allowed to have fun with others? If so, what constitutes "cheating"? I don't mean to sound prying. Keep up the absolutely terrific work. Love your pics xx
Yeah, we're in a semi-open relationship. It's basically works with pure honesty. If I wanted to meet with someone I would have to discuss it with my partner first. Make sure he is okay with it. We generally prefer things to be a one off though, just so the other person does not get close to us and effect our relationship.
As for cheating, It would be seeing someone on the sly (not being honest), or continuously seeing someone. So basically emotionally cheating on each other.
Come back to tumblr:( We miss you
Haha, I have missed y'all too.
Hi :)
Hello :)
Spread and ready.
Get in my bed ur so sexy
Haha, It takes a lot more than that to get me in anyone's bed.
Unbelievable Rooms around the world:

Have you missed me?
Sorry I haven’t been on in like ten forever’s.
I have been a busy little fatty.
I moved to a different state. 24 hour away drive, from where I used to be…
So now my fiance and I are living at my Dad’s. Which is not awesome.
Because Dad’s like a nasty version of captain sarcasm. I miss having privacy.
But until either one of us have a stable job, we can’t get our own place.
Which is crap considering, in our 3 years together we have never had our own place. We have always shared. So in reality I don’t even know if we get on on our own.
I’m over all the job rejections. You have to have experience to gain experience. Which doesn’t make sense, and sucks big hairy balls.
But, I have applied to volunteer at the local RSPCA (animal adoption center). Which can be fun.
My 21st Birthday is coming up :D, I’m busy planning that. But I really want my family down south to come up. Will you buy my presents tumblr? That would be delightful.
So that’s whats new with me. Oh and my phone shit itself, which is why I have been quiet on here. But as soon as I have it back from the shop, I’ll be posting more pictures and stuff!
So get excited for that!

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I made $300 yesterday by Internet marketing and I'm looking at atleast $450 today. So yeah. You need to do this. I found out about it from this news article on CBS. I'm just excited to share this with you because it actually freakin works! Tumblr won't let me post a link but if you want to read up and start making some money then head over to CBSNews9 [d0t] cоm - Spread this to fellow tumblree's and tumblrette's and lets get out of this recession together!
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