fuckyeahhannigram: benedictatorship: moonblossom: abundantlyqu...

[ screencaps from http://screencapped.net ]
Okay, okay, I don't follow the Hannibal fandom very closely, so forgive me if anyone else has called this already, BUT:
Does anyone else think that Dr. du Maurier might not exist? Or, alternately, that she might have existed once, but Hannibal killed her and now the "Dr. du Maurier" we see is a figment/projection, as much as Will keeps seeing the Stag and GJ Hobbs?
I mean, think about it: (details based on memory of one viewing of each episode, so I could be wrong on any point)
Dialogue has explained that she was attacked by a patient once (my theory is that it was Hannibal, and she did not survive), and 'retired' from practicing psychiatry. Hannibal continues to see her despite her stated desires - which, okay, is kind of rude, let's be honest. But if she died and now exists solely as a figment/projection, such social conventions no longer apply.
We never see her interact with anyone else. Her room is a 'dreamy' space, spacious but intimate, lit with a diffuse, slightly warm light. There's also something… eerie about how similarly they're treated/framed in these scenes, how their facial structure is highlighted by the lighting and color palettes, to more resemble each others'. Look at the caps above (taken within seconds of each other) and tell me I'm wrong. She is definitely more 'feminine' but there is a clear echo effect happening, and I don't think it's merely that one is deliberately 'mirroring' the other.
[side note: I love how Mads' face is always lit - and he always uses it - as if it's a mask. Brilliant choices, there.]
Not to mention, one scene with them ended with her pouring him a glass of white wine, and the next time we see Hannibal, he's in his office with a glass of white wine and the dialogue strongly hints at continuity between the two scenes.
I don't know, u guise, I think there's something to this but I don't know canon well enough to know if I'm right. Thoughts?
omg it's not just me - also, the name - is it reference to a woman's power to shape a relationship from beyond death?Ohhh, shit. This totally makes sense. The scene with the wine glass in particular really threw me. Not just the glass, but the camera work, it basically spun around him and switched venues. I assumed it was just a fancy transition, but it would fit so fucking well with this theory.
Not to mention, thinking filmmaking reality, Gillian Anderson is a famous and well-established actress, it puzzled me why she had such a comparatively minor role that could really be played by anyone, unless the therapist was due to have a more important/active role in the plot later on…
….that is unless she is dead and a reflection of Hannibal's psyche, that is an incredibly psychologically interesting role for any actor.
more evidence re: the mirroring theory. check out this sceengrab i got while i was rewatching rôti. when i was reviewing the frames later, i came across this one and my jaw dropped. there's no way the symmetry between them could be anything but intentional.
teppelin: i'm a person who often wants physical affection but is also very uncomfortable and...
i'm a person who often wants physical affection but is also very uncomfortable and particular about physical contact
lindabayern: someone said the reason why uncle charlie doesn't eat his meal is those are meat of...
someone said the reason why uncle charlie doesn't eat his meal is those are meat of that first woman he killed
greyerthangrey: sometimes you need to do something bad to stop you from doing something worse
sometimes you need to do something bad to stop you from doing something worse
Just watched the movie Stoker... SO INTENSE.
It also made my skin crawl every time they said the main girl’s name because that’s also my name…
I just came from work, where I had the song "So Long and Thanks for All the Fish" stuck in my head the entire 2.5 hours.
Then I got on treecat’s tumblr and realized that’s the title of her blog.
vegannvagina: my-infinite-catharsis: pajamaprodigy: mh-things:...

Unfortunately true.
It's a bit unfair to compare something life threatening to something not immediately life threatening.
Also, psychiatric care is really just a nice way of saying, "mind-altering drugs".
Not life threatening? You've clearly never experienced or known someone with a severe mental illness. Up to 90% of people who commit suicide have a mental illness.
Eating disorders, mood disorders, anxiety and self harm have many life threatening effects on the body, e.g. malnutrition, gastrointestinal complications, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, risk of wounds becoming infected, nerve damage. People struggling to get the mental health care they need find themselves in ER's, jail cells and psychiatric hospitals for their immediate safety.
The risk of this can be minimised with proper treatment, which can consist of medication but also includes psychotherapy, occupational and social work, emergency care and other treatments as appropriate for each patient.
Kidney patients can be kept alive on dialysis for years while awaiting a transplant.
Also, your "mind-altering drugs"? These are part of why I can go to school, have an internship, maintain friendships, and be a reasonably responsible family member. Meds are a complement to therapy and make it work better. Honestly, if I were not taking prescribed medication, I would probably be taking some "mind-altering drugs" that had worse side effects than dry mouth.
Mental illness is in part both caused and reflected by physical/chemical disturbances in the brain. In physical illness, medication is often used to aleviate symptoms or address causes. Psychotropic drugs do the same thing. They are a medical response to a medical problem.
People need to stop thinking mental illness isn't serious
They also need to stop thinking psychiatric drugs are all useless.
I've had both a physical life threatening disease AND mental illness. The cancer and treatment left my body physicall altered to a point where I can never go back to being "normal" again. It's been rough. HOWEVER, if I were given the ultimatum that if I got cancer again I could be rid of my mental illnesses forever… I'd take that chance. My mental illnesses have fucked up almost every aspect of my life. I'd take the risk of being killed by cancer again if it meant they'd go away… it's that bad.
neurochemicals: i become very aware of my intj nature: -around people crying -when people hug...
i become very aware of my intj nature:
-around people crying
-when people hug me
-around children
-upon receiving a gift
-talking on the phone
-when people can't tell that i am excited (which is every time)
-listening to other people's opinions (on anything)
-on a date
It has also been decided that we will go to Crave for my...

It has also been decided that we will go to Crave for my birthday. I am super excited by this, even though it's expensive as hell, it's just so fancy and the sweets are good, the hookah is good, and now I'll get to see how good the mixed drinks are too!
List of things to do next week...
Monday - work, buy textbooks
Tuesday - work, bake a carrot cake for dad
Wednesday - therapy, dad’s birthday (take him the cake)
Thursday - go to bank, get my hurr did (SO EXCITE)
Friday - work (get $$$)
Saturday - work
Sunday - work
kaynetharchibald: arian-ryuu: I like pictures. KNOW THE...

I like pictures.
fixed that for you
Actually Envy doesn't have a gender either if you're going by the manga-verse or FMA:Brotherhood (I don't even pay attention to the first anime since it doesn't follow the original story).
kaibas-enormous-ballsack: I have a large collection of books...

I have a large collection of books and I am moving soon and sadly cannot take most of my books with me.
Thus the only option I see fit is a GIVEAWAY!!!
Here are the rules:
1: You do not need to follow me, but people who are following always have a higher chance of winning.
2: You must be comfortable with giving me your address if you do win(this information will NOT be given out to anyone).
3: When you reblog you are automatically entered.
4: Winners will be chosen at random off of the list of people who have reblogged.
5:if you win I will contact you & you can give me an overview for your tastes in books or you can let me choose a random book for you ❤
6: Before shipping the book I will let you know the name & if you have the book already I will choose another one.
There will be roughly 25-30 winners & you can win more than once. Most of these books are sci-fi, fantasy, fiction, short stories, & manga. Don't worry, no Twilight, no 50 Shades!!!
I will pay for everything, so do not worry about any costs to you.
I have more books than in this picture alone.
Giveaway will end on July 1, 2013.
dylanquents: have you ever been so wildly attracted to someone that you can actually feel your...
have you ever been so wildly attracted to someone that you can actually feel your heart rotting just because you know you'll never get a chance with them
I took an anxiety pill btw I just hope I don't do something stupid at work because of it.
What she says: I'm fine
What she says: I'm fineWhat she means: Di Di Di Digimon Digimon Di Di Di Digimon Digimon Di Di Di Digimon Digital MonstersDigimon are the Champions Digimon Digital Monsters Digimon are the Champions Change (Action) into Digital Champions to save the Digital World Digimon Digital Monsters Digimon are the Champions Digimon Digital Monsters Digimon are the Champions Digivolve into Champions Digivolve into Ultimate (Digimon Make Noise) Digimon Digital Monsters Digimon are the Champions Digimon Digital Monsters Digimon Are The ChampionsDigimon Digital Monsters. Digimon!
Have you ever been so frustrated you can basically feel your chest ripping open? My head and chest...
Have you ever been so frustrated you can basically feel your chest ripping open? My head and chest are pounding so hard I just want to run out into traffic.
I'm having a bad mental health day =__=
At least I get paid at work and it’s not going to rain after all.
baby-im-a-million: Zwei | Watashigai no Uta | Pretty Queen
Zwei | Watashigai no Uta | Pretty Queen
backcracker: cabbage-patch-adults: Tumblr's like this weird alternate universe where young girls...
Tumblr's like this weird alternate universe where young girls drive around around in white vans obsessively stalking forty year old men.
This whole "high functioning sociopath" thing on Sherlock gets on my nerves.
I guess I haven’t noticed it much because ever since Sherlock got big I’ve had almost everything Sherlock blocked from my tumblr.
But that phrase, “I’m not a psychopath, I’m a high functioning sociopath…” gets on my nerves. Psychopathy and sociopathy are the same thing. It means someone has Antisocial Personality Disorder.
Sherlock isn’t one at all… Not even close. Go read the DSM-IV or some other psychology handbook on what a psychopath/sociopath actually is and maybe you’ll realize that.
And stop saying you are one like it’s a cool thing. Even if you WERE a sociopath, I don’t think you would go around telling the world you were one. I’ve got shit tons of mental illnesses and I’m very sadistic and can be manipulative when I need to be and I’m not even a sociopath. So shut the fuck up.
As an ACTUAL psychopath once said…
“You are not a psychopath, although you may be attracted to them.”
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