
passerkirbius: I heartily endorse this comic. (via Maximumble -...

I heartily endorse this comic.
scienceisbeauty: Vaccine infographic. Credit: Leon...

Vaccine infographic.
Credit: Leon Farrant
Source: How Vaccines Have Changed Our World In One Graphic, Forbes.
rationalatheism: Praying is the act of seeing something that...

Praying is the act of seeing something that requires change and wishing for it instead of taking the responsibility to intervene. Although prayer has no negative effect, inaction when effort is warranted does. Imagine what great things could be accomplished if a million prayers were replaced with a million actions.
rationalatheism: "There may or may not be atheists in foxholes,...

"There may or may not be atheists in foxholes, but I'm certain there are none in the Ku Klux Klan."
-George Carlin
atheistassessment: A visual representation of Biblical ethics

A visual representation of Biblical ethics
albruce-jzcruzer-captainx: The atheists are...

The atheists are winning!
Thank goodness that Richard Dawkins holds the Hitchens-esk...
Thank goodness that Richard Dawkins holds the Hitchens-esk contempt for religion. The hands off, laissez faire, atheist will be trampled by the theocratic faithful.
Religious Beliefs In The Public Square
A great panel discussion. Richard Dawkins, Steven Pinker, and some other great minds appeared on an the Chris Hayes show on MSNBC to discuss how best and how far we should challenge private religious beliefs where they apply to public policy issues, and maybe even where they don't.
Cool photo of the Hayden Planetarium at...

Cool photo of the Hayden Planetarium at night.
Couple fans loving their new Carl Sagan t-shirts. See more...

Couple fans loving their new Carl Sagan t-shirts. See more customer photos at:


Atheism, fuck yeah!: South African cardinal: 'I can't be accused of homophobia because I don't know any homosexuals'
Atheism, fuck yeah!: South African cardinal: 'I can't be accused of homophobia because I don't know any homosexuals':A South African cardinal has rejected accusations that he is homophobic, saying it is impossible because he knows no gay people.
The Catholic Archbishop of Durban, Wilfrid Fox Napier, was among the 115 cardinals whoelected Pope Francis as head of the Roman Catholic Church in March.
"I can't…
the-awesome-atheist: Whats your excuse now? heres some atheism

Whats your excuse now?
godlessmen: House nails it.

House nails it.
wckicksass: Science>

I saw your thoughts on religion in general earlier and I was left wondering, what are your thoughts on agnostics? I know you can have agnostic atheists or agnostic theists, but let's assume for a moment that a person truly is agnostic, with no opinion one way or the other as to what the truth is, honestly not knowing which answer is "the right answer." What are your thoughts of them?
I engaged in a very large debate on this on Facebook a little while back. I might be able to look it up for you. The atheistic position is one that is quite misunderstood. The atheist does not claim to have the right answer. The atheist does not claim that "there is no god." Rather, the atheist position is one that asserts that there is "not enough evidence to be convinced of a deity." Those distinctions must be carefully understood. So I am an atheist because I have not been shown any evidence to suggest that a deity is lurking at the source of it all.
On agnosticism, I take this position as one of a comfortable fence sitter. It can be uncomfortable for people to say the word "atheist." But we're trying to help change that through our efforts to mainstream atheism and allow people to feel comfortable coming out as atheists. The myriad of distinctions of atheism are hogwash. Christopher Hitchens was very clear on this matter. He stated that either you do believe that there is a god or you claim to not be convinced by the evidence. And if you are not convinced by the current evidence…that makes you an atheist. The atheist says "I don't know, but I remain unconvinced." Agnosticism is futile in my opinion. If you aren't a believer, you're an atheist. It is really as simple as that. Agnostics need to come off the fence and admit that being unconvinced aligns them with the atheistic position. It is just a matter of being unafraid to vocalize it to the world (when prompted).
That's kinda rude.
It is understandable to be offended by truth. It can be tough to take. But just give it some thought. I would love to answer questions you may have.
Lots of new customer photos. Check out all the others...

Lots of new customer photos. Check out all the others here:
What do you think of people who are neither Christians nor Atheists (Namely Pagans/Wiccans/Buddhists)?
I classify them as just as delusional as Christians. There is no reason to believe there is a supernatural world of any kind. What do you think?
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